AIRMAP, CHEMMAP, MUDMAP, SARMAP (c) Applied Science Associates, Inc. *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin Hardlock*

کرک AIRMAP, CHEMMAP, MUDMAP, SARMAP (c) Applied Science Associates, Inc. *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin Hardlock*
SARMAP provides rapid predictions of the movement of drifting objects and missing persons at sea. SARMAP includes the ability to deploy search & rescue units (SRUs) with search patterns and calculat probability of containment (POC), probability of detection (POD), and probability of success (POS).
Applications for SARMAP
Determine search area for missing vessels, persons or containers
Identify probable location of an accident site or lost object
Store home base locations of all available Search & Rescue Units (SRUs)
SRU Deployment and Search Pattern management
Floating contraband tracking
Reverse trajectory calculations
Uses ASAs own GIS or can be used in other GIS software such as ArcView
Contains a database of drift behavior for a variety of objects based on the latest U.S. Coast Guard data
Easily interpreted visual display of search area over time
Performs a series of postulated accident sites to develop envelopes of likely search areas
Real-time data links, integrated with ASA&qout;s Environmental Data Server (EDS)
Online web map and metocean data services
Links floating debris to find a lost object or an accident site
Rapid Response Module (RRM) or SARMAP Wizard to very quickly lead through the steps required to calculate a search area
Supports commercial nautical charts:
o BSB NOAA Charts
o MapTech Charts
o NDI Charts
o NOS Charts
o British Admiralty (ARCS) Charts
o C-MAP Charts
AIRMAP is an atmospheric dispersion model designed to predict the trajectory and fate of a wide variety of chemical substances and biological agents in the atmosphere.
Applications for AIRMAP
Hindcast/forecast of release into atmosphere
Evaluate human health risk
Contingency and response planning (e.g., for security related to accidental or intentional releases)
Evaluation of discharges from fixed or moving point sources
Drills and education
Contains ASAs own GIS or can be used in other GIS software such as ArcView
Easily interpreted visual display of temporally and spatially varying concentrations, not just contour plots
3D Viewer capabilities
Plot concentration with time for any point in the domain, or maximum concentration as a function of time
MSDS database linked to the physical-chemical database
Extensive chemical database providing physicalchemical data
MUDMAP is a computer model and analysis system developed and used by ASA scientists and engineers that predicts the transport, dispersion, and seabed deposition of drilling muds and produced water derived from drill cuttings.
MUDMAP includes detailed models that account for the three stages of movement:
the free fall of the consolidated mass of mud and cuttings (i.e.,convective descent phase)
the collapse of the consolidated mass as it hits the seafloor (i.e.,dynamic collapse phase)
the subsequent diffusion and deposition of the mud and individual cuttings
MUDMAP is controlled through an interactive Graphic User Interface(GUI) that integrates the model with a geographic information system (GIS), environmental data management tools, automatic grid generation tools, and associated input/output interfaces.
MUDMAPs near field model predicts the transport and dilution of drill fluid through convective jet and dynamic collapse phases. Model input includes a definition of drill fluid density and composition (settling velocity versus percent mass fraction); release location, rate, and duration; and the current and hydrographic fields. Model output(dilution, plume center location/width, trapping depths, contaminant concentration, thickness and deposition) can be displayed. These outputs are also used as inputs for the far field model. The far field transport and fate of the discharge is predicted by a particle-based model using a random walk procedure. The particle model allows the user to predict the transport and fate of dissolved and settling/buoyant particles from single or multiple sources.
CHEMMAP is a chemical discharge model designed to predict the trajectory, fate, impacts and biological effects of a wide variety of chemical substances three-dimensionally.
Applications for CHEMMAP
Impact Assessment
Hindcast/forecast of spill response
Natural resource damage assessment
Contingency planning – including worst-case scenario
Evaluation of point source discharges
Cost-benefit analysis
Drills and education
Contains ASAs own GIS or can be used in other GIS software such as ArcView
Location specific environmental/ biological data applied to any fresh or salt aquatic environment in the world
Can utilize a variety of hydrodynamic file formats
Easily interpreted visual displays of concentrations over time
3D Viewer capabilities
Biological exposure model to predict exposed fi sh and wildlife impacts
MSDS database linked to the physical-chemical database
Extensive chemical database providing physical-chemical data
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