LAM32, PRDATA, POST-PROCESSOR, SVILUPPI, WINTERM, WINDNC, PRAUTCAM *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Eutron SmartKey*
کرک LAM32, PRDATA, POST-PROCESSOR, SVILUPPI, WINTERM, WINDNC, PRAUTCAM *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Eutron SmartKey*
Praut CN-2D systtem was develped with to simpler tool machines programming, especially: Oxgen cut , Laser, Plasma, Waterjet, Wood&qout;s industry machines.
The system is completely interactive and it helps you in all programming, it can be interfaced with commercial CAD with DXF exit.
The software allows breaking in of all geometric and technological informations necessary for the tool machine, until data generation for the CNC and their transfer. In every step corrections, controls and plotting of piece on printer is possible.
1) Geometric errors are erased because the programmer acts directly on the project of techincal office. Not having to redefine the profiles geometricie the insiemi of perforation.
2) In the original design can be introduced external elements needed for working, as: Equipments of support, Stirrups of blocking, particular Anchorages, that they simplify the task to the operator.
3) Visualization of the distance cutter in every correspondence of single movement, avoiding therefore collisions “”not expectable Tool/Equipment”” or “”Tool/Piece”” during the normal programming.
The operator, operating completely in Autocad ambient can view tool track and do technological commands for the work, as: Tool, Pockets, Contour, Perforation, Cycles, ecc…, and verify in every moment exit of data in ISO code of CNC selected and automatically to design have using of of all the commands Autocad.
A new menu called PRautCAM is added to Autocad and if you active it with mouse, it opens other specific menu that replace Autocad menu except the first menu.
So the operator have two possibility:
– To execute one new more specific selection answering therefore to the successive demands (technological parameters) that the previous data appears on the every video time that confirmation.
– Answering endured to the demands (technological parameters) that they appear on the every video time that confirmation the previous data.
WinTerm system wad developed with the target of get simple the trasmission and receiving of tapes through RS232 (serial port) in machine code from PC to tool machines and viceversa.
After a corrected installation of :
– Link line
– Line amplifier with high isolation to delete tension jolts and to reaching of hight distances (mt 1200).
– Machine parameters configurations for reception / transmission
– Installation and software configuration
is quickly and easy possibile, transmit and receive tapes in machine code from and to CN. Therefore we manually eliminate the loss of time in transcribing the tapes on the CN, or to erase old magnetic supports (floppy or tape reader) from CN. Guaranteeing the modernized archives always on the PC predisposed and always to capacity of hand for eventual modifications on the tapes.
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