JKSimBlast, JKBench, Split-Desktop (c) Soft-Blast *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin Hardlock*

کرک JKSimBlast, JKBench, Split-Desktop (c) Soft-Blast *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin Hardlock*

JKSimBlast, JKBench, Split-Desktop (c) Soft-Blast *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin Hardlock*
JKSimBlast is an award-winning, general-purpose software system for simulation and information management for blasting in mines and related operations. The modular system is designed for engineers who need to standardise their control of blasting, by quantifying and trapping the experience of blasting personnel in a consistent, retrievable format. JKSimBlast can ensure accurate, long-term storage of plans and results, particularly where this is a statutory requirement or for environmental compliance. It applies not only to mine and quarry operations, but also research, education, consulting, contracting and construction.

JKSimBlast integrates all tasks associated with design, simulation, analysis and optimisation, including the storage and manipulation of models, data and results, within one system. At the basic level, JKSimBlast provides CAD-like tools to create a complete blast design holes, decks and timing with on-screen detonation simulation to check expected performance. Existing data can be imported from other sources. Individual plans at various design stages can be sent as a “”plot”” to any Windows-compatible printer, and information tables can be produced as hard-copy output or uploaded to other systems (drilling, survey, etc.) for further processing. Design and actual blasts can be analysed for compliance with blasting objectives.

JKSimBlast allows the user to:

# Define site-specific parameters, explosives, units, operating conditions and objectives.
# Store blast data in a structured system, with specialist tools for editing and analysis.
# Integrate related data from other applications.
# Predict, measure and analyse blast performance.
# Add custom modules to the system.
# Trap the experience of drill and blast personnel.

The advantages of JKSimBlast are:

# site specific
– parameters, stocks, units, etc.
# configuration
– user preferences
# modelling
– simulation, prediction
# visualisation
– complex calculations, data relationships
# data
– sharing, archiving, integrating
# adaptable
– integrate 3rd-party s/ware, data access
# generic
– extensive application to all blasting
# customise
– built-in or external to modules
# control
– the data belongs to the user .

۲DBench is the open cut blast design module of JKSimBlast. It allows the user to layout a blast design consisting of blast holes, decks, downhole and surface delays and connections, and then to run a detonation simulation. The design can be further described by strings and polygons. Basic analyses of volume, tonnage, powder factor, component and total costs can be calculated for the design. Although the design is created in 2D plan, all data is stored with full 3D coordinates (east, north, level) in Microsoft Access databases. Added to this are component details (hole parameters of dip, bearing, diameter, length, burden, spacing), properties of explosives, detonators, primers and connectors, and detonation timing information.

The data generated by 2DBench can also be analysed in TimeHEx (blast timing vs holes and explosives) and analysed in 2DView (section and oblique views) for explosive energy distribution contours of explosive mass and energy, and contouring of hole-related data.

Note 2DBench is now available in three versions:

* a scaled-down version, called JKBench, which has all of the basic features of 2DBench
* an extended version of JKBench including the design tools for electronic delays
* the full version, with all of the features as listed below. Split-Desktop refers to the “”user-assisted”” version of the software program that can be run by engineers or technicians at on-site locations. Digital images acquired in the field can be analyzed in the field on a laptop or at the office to determine the size distribution of your fragmented rock at any stage in the comminution process.

The source of these images can be a muck pile, haul truck, leach pile, draw point, waste dump, stockpile, conveyor belt, or any other situation where clear images of rock fragments can be obtained.

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