INPHO DTMASTER (c) INPHO GmbH *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin Hardlock*

کرک INPHO DTMASTER (c) INPHO GmbH *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin Hardlock*

INPHO DTMASTER (c) INPHO GmbH *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin Hardlock*
Experience a new generation of DTM/LIDAR editing.

DTMaster provides up-to-date technology for fast and precise DTM editing. DTMaster is offered as a monoscopic DTM data editor (DTMaster), or as a photogrammetric DTM editing station (DTMaster Stereo). DTMaster is part of inpho&qout;s digital photogrammetric system which comes now with its new core ApplicationsMaster.

DTMaster – a powerful editing station for efficient quality control of DTM / LIDAR data in stereo and mono.

DTMaster offers optimized technology for efficient checking, editing and classification of DTM projects to the upper limit. Up to 50 million points can easily be handled. It allows to underlay DTM data with thousands of orthophotos or complete blocks of stereoscopic aerial photographs. DTMaster supports DTM quality control by providing highly efficient data visualization and checking tools.

DTMaster is designed for processing the most demanding photogrammetric projects with block sizes of 20000 images and even more.

DTMaster is available stand-alone, or as part of complete solutions for DTM generation by photogrammetry or LIDAR:

DTM Box combines DTMaster Stereo with MATCH-T, inpho&qout;s product for automatic DTM generation from aerial or satellite imagery.

LIDAR Box combines DTMaster with SCOP++ Kernel and SCOP++ LIDAR, inpho&qout;s products for advanced DTM processing and robust filtering of LIDAR data.
DTMaster efficiently handles large amounts of DTM data with access to up to 50 million points at the same time. Data are managed in an efficient layer-oriented data structure. Extremely fast and compact data handling is guaranteed through binary, tiled data storage.
DTMaster provides a comprehensive set of efficient tools for quality assurance of DTM data, including data visualization, numeric plausibility checking, as well as interactive data editing and 3D measurement:
Visual data checking:

Color Superimposition DTM data overlaying raster imagery, such as
– Stereo imagery with automatic selection of best-fit image pair**
– Orthophotos
– Digital maps
Projects with 20000 aerial images and more can be processed

On-line contour generation

Perspective view with on-line 3D panning and draping of geo-referenced raster imagery



Advanced side-view for easy interactive classification of LIDAR data, with on-line panning and axial rotation
Automated plausibility checks:

Detection of line crossings

Detection of height outliers

Detection of gaps in a point cloud
Automated data modifications:

Local filtering of point clouds from LIDAR or MATCH-T for eliminating gross errors, as well as for separating points on vegetation or buildings

Thin-out algorithm

Deletion of double points

Semi-automated correction of line crossings
Data editing and measurement :

Editing in stereo-**, ortho- and side-view

Efficient editing of points and lines

Stereoscopic measurement of points and lines**

Interactive grid measurement**

Various editing functions for polygon areas (classification, deletion, constant height setting, …)
DTM data formats (import/export):
XYZ, DXF, Winput, SCOP DTM (import), LAS (ASPRS Lidar Data Exchange Format), MATCH-T XYZ, MATCH-T RAS, ArcGIS Shapefile, ArcGIS ASCII Grid, geocoded TIFF, BIL, FLT
Support of aerial frame images and of various types of satellite imagery (Ikonos, Quickbird, Spot, Landsat, IRS C/D, Aster).

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