ImmProg2000 (c) AIRINFO GmbH *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin Hardlock*

کرک ImmProg2000 (c) AIRINFO GmbH *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin Hardlock*

ImmProg2000 (c) AIRINFO GmbH *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin Hardlock*
IMMPROG is used in research projects at renowned universities all over Europe. Public authorities, the chemical industry and consulting engineers use IMMPROG as do private experts specializing in environmental impact studies. They share the confidence and security that they have made an investment in an efficient and user-friendly software running on their high-performance, market-standard PC. All IMMPROG users highly appreciate our professional support services and training sessions! The IMMPROG software package as well as the present brochure are also available in German and French!
IMMPROG air dispersion modelling software has been developed according to recommendations formulated by the Swiss Federal Office for Environment, Forest and Landscape (see LEUTERT, [8]). They simulate the concentrations of inert air pollutants (=IMMISSION) emitted from point sources (IMMPROG-P), from vehicles on streets in open terrain (IMMPROG-H) and on streets in residential areas (street canyon model, IMMPROG-C). The three dispersion models are based on the Gaussian approach which itself is based on an analytical solution of the fundamental advection-diffusion equation describing the transport and diffusion of pollutants in the atmosphere. Gaussian models may thus be applied to many different types of emitting sources: whereas the P model is well-suited to the simulation of the concentration of air pollutants emitted by point sources (exhaust pipes, chimneys etc.), the H and C models can be applied to line sources (streets). The H-model should be used to calculate the resulting impact of air pollutants emitted by vehicles on a street in open terrain, the C-model in a street canyon. The P- and H-models can be used as a combination named IMMPROG-K, where K signifies Kombi). IMMPROG-G (where G signifies smell (Geruch, odour)) is an additional module to IMMPROG-P.
IMMPROG-M is a simple regression-model for the calculation of immissions near the streets (MLuS-92, see [18]).
The models are menu-driven and their manipulation is straightforward. The whole IMMPROG series follows exactly the same menu; once you have become familiar with one of the models you will be able to quickly produce results with any other IMMPROG model. Professionals with a wider interest and a need for more advanced IMMPROG applications may find helpful information in the User&qout;s Manual or are encouraged to contact the AirInfo experts. We will be happy to demonstrate you the wide variety of IMMPROG solutions for your air pollution strategies. You will find that IMMPROG models offer considerably more, while at a lower price, than any other dispersion models for inert air pollutants.

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